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What is equipment need for a new Histology Laboratory ?

What is equipment need for a new Histology Laboratory ?
Dec 09 , 2023

Yushudoa company The equipment to be purchased for the pathology laboratory includes:

1. Organizational processing equipment: such as microtome, tissue processor machines, slide staining machine , etc., used for processing and analyzing issue samples

2. Microscope: such as optical microscope, electric microscope, etc., used to observe and analyze the structure and morphology of cells and issues

3. Molecular biology equipment: such as PCR instrument, gel electrophoresis instrument, sequencing instrument, etc., used for gene analysis and molecular biology experiments

4. Immunohistochemical equipment: such as Immunohistochemistry Staining machines, Immunohistochemistry scanners, etc., used to detect and analyze protein expression and localization

5. Cell culture equipment: such as cell culture chambers, cell counters, cell centers, etc., used for culture and processing cell samples

6. Biological safety cabinet: used to protect experimental personnel and the environment from hazardous substance pollution

7. Frozen slicing equipment: such as cryostat microtome, used for preparing frozen sliced samples For rapid pathology

8. Paraffin slicing equipment: such as Paraffin microtome machines, Paraffin microtome molds, etc., used for preparing Paraffin slice samples

paraffin microtome
9. Pathology software: A software system used for managing and analyzing pathological data

10. Conventional laboratory equipment, such as centralization, reflectors, temperature control equipment, etc., are used to support the daily operations and experimental needs of pathology laboratories

The above are some common pathological laboratory equipment, and the specific procurement requirements need to be determined based on the size, research direction, and budget of the laboratory

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